You are about to register for access to Whale Rock Ridge Estate as an OWNER/FAMILY MEMBER.

If this is not correct, click here to return and choose a different category.

NOTE: Please save a scanned copy of your I.D. or passport on your device beforehand and then complete the form hereunder.

Step 1 of 2


Please enter Applicant's Full Name
Please enter Applicant's Cell Number
Please enter Applicant's Email Address
Please enter the Stand Number in Whale Rock Ridge at which you will be residing or stationed for the duration of the access period. If more than one stand, list the others too.
Enter the date you would like access to start
Enter the date you would like access to end
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload Applicant's Proof of Identification (Scan or photo of SA ID / Passport)